



2024-07-06 21:09:08 来源:网络


be thirsty vegetable same thirsty [简明英汉词典][5WE:sti]adj.口渴的🐘-|🤣🦛, 渴望的🐀🙃-🦨, 热望的vegetable [简明英汉词典][5vedVitEbl]n.蔬菜🌞||🦨, 植物🌵——-😅, 生活呆板单调的人adj.蔬菜的*|-🐦🐰, 植物的🐡🐚——|😥,


英语达人来,关于经济类的英语翻译。 汉译英??
1 international trade is the modern economic exchanges between nations, as an important part, it allows countries from closer economic ties gain benefits, but also requires countries to pay a price accordingly. The price will make its economic exposure in the international economic fluctua等我继续说🤐——🐷。
翻译😐-🐲:Almost every day I will take an hour to learn English, has never interrupted. I know as graduate students will often need to translate some foreign literature, it to English level requirement will be higher, so I will work harder to learn professional English. This is the 希望你能满意😩*_🥎🐹。
and writing. I have mastered some literature,and when I was in school, I organised some activities.What's more, I do well in learn myself,and am absorbed in working.And I am a outspeaking person. As a person ,we should have a sense of responsebility, and so on希望你能满意🦂|-🪅🐡。.
填空☺️🐆——_🦤:1.I think that the increasing population is one of the greatest challenges people have today.我认为人口增长是如今人类面临的最大的挑战🐺🙄——🐜。2.I have been talking with people there in English.我一直在和那边的人用英语交谈🤡|🐦。汉译英🌿-_🐒:1.王老师被认为是这个学校最受欢迎的老师🐷🤭——😒😗。Miss Wang 还有呢?
I'm sure you know as well that if a language like English is not used often, it can be easily forgotten.你也知道🐁————😇😨,英语如果不经常使用的话🐺-——😨🌻,可能就会比较容易忘记But if I can get this working opportunity, I will work hard to study English, and of course, do my best in work好了吧🐺🐤-🦗!.
14. I have studied English (for) ten years.15. This shirt doesn’t fit (for) me.16. I want a place to live (in) .17. You ought to break (off) this habit.18. She always share (in) my troubles as well as (in ) my jobs.五.动词词组及短语1. 以break为中心的词组break away 等会说🎄_🎗🥅。
1 Only struggle for my future.2 Only for you, my origin to fight;only for you, my persistence to fight;only for you, my all to fight.3 I'd flip a coin. If it faces upward, I'll go and chat on QQ. Otherwise, I'll go to play network game. And if it stands up到此结束了?🎎🏸——🦕💐。
8. Written test score should be better able to take part in an interview today that can be. My strong points are organized language ability, ability to mathematical logic. Class can be maintained at Class at the forefront of English have also been prize contest.9. No matter what希望你能满意🧿_——🤢🦤。